Over the years I have heard different mothers tell what they do with their kids' school work. One mom told me that she doesn't keep any and that she throws all of their work out at the end of the year! I was horrified (and still am, a little) but her rationale was that it was the learning that was important and that is something they carry with them in their head.
Nevertheless, I am one for keeping records so I have kept a good deal of my kids' school work. Now, I only have some of our treasures, a report or two, a special picture or fun lapbook. Homeschooling was our life and these treasures are imbued with fond memories. But here's the kicker. On one of my de-clutter missions, I came across three boxes of student writing papers. Not my children's! Yours! I know I have a couple more boxes somewhere AND I have already gotten rid of a couple boxes. Why on earth do I keep so many? I like to have lots of example student papers to help new students with, but truly I don't need three boxes! It's hard for me to get rid of them because they really were good! So...if you were a former writing student and got rid of something you really wish you had now, just contact me; I probably have a copy! |
Renee MetcalfWhere will you find me when I am not teaching? For your reading pleasure!
August 2023