College Prep Writing (11th-12th grades) Live Online Wednesdays 11:30 pm - 12:30 pm EST Dates: Sept. 4, 2024 - May 14, 2025
Instructor: Renee Metcalf
Course Description: This course is a year-long college prep level of advanced essay writing (including a research paper). Students become competent writers through instruction, practice, feedback, and fine-tuning. Through a system of outlining and highlighting, they learn to structure papers that are easy for readers to follow. Infused into the lessons is the writing of various types of poems. Why poetry in an essay class? Because endowing writing with a dash of creativity turns bland and dusty papers into something fresh and inspiring to read. This course prepares students for the demands of college life and the business world by writing: descriptive, persuasive, and expository essays, a business proposal, literary analysis, and a research paper. This complete course propels students from beginning essay writers into those who have a command of the English language, which signals an educated person.
Tuition: $90/month OR $324/semester
Texts: The Write Foundation: Essay Writing Student Worksheets Note: You do not need the teacher's manual 2-3 inch 3-ring binder to store the worksheets until needed 1 inch 3-ring binder for current lessons 6 highlighters in the following colors: yellow, orange, green, blue, pink, purple
Goals and Objectives:
Learn to create original content
Learn to tightly organize essays
Learn literary techniques to enhance the quality of writing
Develop creativity through poetry that will infuse essays with life
Write clear, precise, and substantial thesis statements
Learn to write with a formal, academic voice
Write enticing introductions and satisfying conclusions
Respond with insight to literary texts
Learn the multiple steps of writing a research paper