Modern World History-Based Writing (6th-8th Grades)
Live Online - Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (MST)
Aug. 26, 2020 - May 12, 2021
Instructor: Renee Metcalf
Course Description: Sometimes world history gets short shrift in our studies, which is too bad. Don't let that happen to you! Infuse your writing studies with a boost of world history in this course that centers around key events and important people. Good writers build their knowledge about the world. Students learn about the revolutions of America, French, and Latin America, world changing discoveries, and political movements. They write about influential people such as Winston Churchill, Gandhi, and dare I say it...Sherlock Holmes! Through the expert guidance of a teacher experienced in using IEW methods, students learn different organizational structures for different writing tasks: summaries, reports, narrative stories, creative writing, essays, and responding to literature. Checklists help provide specific items to include in each assignment. Throughout the course, students will learn and use new vocabulary words and stylistic techniques so that their writing captivates readers!
Tuition: $59/month OR $212/semester
Modern World History-Based Writing by Lori Verstegen (ISBN# 978-1-62341-331-6)
Student Resource Notebook or Student Resource Packet available from
Goals and Objectives:
Live Online - Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (MST)
Aug. 26, 2020 - May 12, 2021
Instructor: Renee Metcalf
Course Description: Sometimes world history gets short shrift in our studies, which is too bad. Don't let that happen to you! Infuse your writing studies with a boost of world history in this course that centers around key events and important people. Good writers build their knowledge about the world. Students learn about the revolutions of America, French, and Latin America, world changing discoveries, and political movements. They write about influential people such as Winston Churchill, Gandhi, and dare I say it...Sherlock Holmes! Through the expert guidance of a teacher experienced in using IEW methods, students learn different organizational structures for different writing tasks: summaries, reports, narrative stories, creative writing, essays, and responding to literature. Checklists help provide specific items to include in each assignment. Throughout the course, students will learn and use new vocabulary words and stylistic techniques so that their writing captivates readers!
Tuition: $59/month OR $212/semester
Modern World History-Based Writing by Lori Verstegen (ISBN# 978-1-62341-331-6)
Student Resource Notebook or Student Resource Packet available from
Goals and Objectives:
- Learn about key events and people from World history.
- Create outlines and take notes suitable to the type of writing structure.
- Use stylistic techniques to give writing flair.
- Write summaries, reports, creative narratives, and essays.
- Write from both a source text and to generate original content.
- Learn and use new vocabulary.
- Respond to literature by writing a formal critique.
- Learn to use a checklist to self-edit and revise.