FLOYD CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS (This co-op has been canceled for the present time due to lack of participation.) However, the in-person science class for 4th-6th grades is still offered. If interested, please contact Renee Metcalf at: [email protected]
We are starting a new homeschool support co-op in Floyd. Co-ops are groups of people who come together to complete a task that is easier or more desirable to do with others. Many different types of co-ops exist and there is no one-and-only-one way to organize a co-op. Some pool their resources and share the teaching load. Others exist to provide extracurricular activities only, such as a session of foreign language, poetry, etiquette, music, or P.E.
The Floyd Christian Home Educators co-op is made up of teachers who all have at least a bachelor's degree, are knowledgeable in their subject, and passionate about teaching and mentoring the next generation. They are dedicated and dependable. Our teachers are all Christians, believers in Christ, and they use materials that are based in the Bible.
Each teacher is independent. She chooses her own materials and sets her own tuition. Each family purchases their own books. In I Timothy 5:18, we learn that "the laborer is worthy of his wages." We do not go to the dentist or hire a landscaper and expect free services. Neither do we do that with our teachers who are providing a service above and beyond. They spend hours of time preparing lessons before class and time afterwards grading your childrens' work. They are giving far more than one hour a week to the class. We show them respect and value their work when we are willing to pay for their services.