6th-8th Grade Math Live online Mondays: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EST August 23, 2021 - May 9, 2022
Instructor: Renee Metcalf Course Description: This traditional math course is suitable for advanced 6th graders, for average 7th graders, and 8th graders who may not be ready to move on yet to algebra. Students learn and review ALL of the concepts found in arithmetic and gain a solid foundation before encountering algebra studies. Learn about the topics covered by visiting this scope and sequence chart. During the class, students receive instruction on new material. I will also go over their work from the previous week, correcting missed problems, and re-teaching concepts as needed. Each lesson provides practice in the new concepts as well as plenty of practice to retain previous learning. This repetition is important to solidifying knowledge for the long-term. Periodic tests throughout the year give students a chance to demonstrate what they know.
Tuition: $59/month OR $212/semester
Text: Saxon 8/7, 3rd edition - Only the student text is needed.